Civic Engagement

Urban Institute | February 2023

Seven Ways to Improve Community Involvement in Local Policymaking

Seven actionable reforms to enhance community involvement in local policymaking, aiming to counteract the influence of privileged individuals in community processes and promote inclusivity for addressing critical challenges such as housing, climate, and equity, without extensive financial resources.

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National League of Cities | September 2022

How to Promote Citizen Engagement and Participation

The article highlights the increasing motivation of citizens to engage in government matters due to the impact of policy decisions on their lives and suggests the importance of eliminating obstacles to citizen engagement, particularly in local governments.

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Everyday Activism Network | November 2021

How To Increase Civic Engagement

The article offers a comprehensive guide to increasing civic engagement, emphasizing the importance of participating in local government, voting, staying informed, getting to know representatives, attending local meetings, joining groups, volunteering, and creating inclusive civic spaces to promote diverse and equitable participation.

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Maui County | June 2021

Maui County Kākou: Civic Engagement Video Series

Maui County Kākou is a Civic Engagement Video series presented by the Maui County Council. The compilation video above includes all 5 parts in the series, which are also available as separate videos.

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Maui County | June 2021

Maui County Kākou Part 1: Getting to Know Your Maui County Council

Part 1 of the Maui County Kākou Civic Engagement Video series introduces viewers to the structure and functions of the Maui County Council, addressing questions about local government, the County Council’s operation, and its responsibilities

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Maui County | June 2021

Maui County Kākou Part 2: Understanding How Laws Are Made

In Part 2 of the Maui County Kākou Civic Engagement Video series, the process of law and policy creation by the County Council is explained, offering insight into how laws are formulated and established.

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Maui County | June 2021

Maui County Kākou Part 3: Reading An Agenda

Part 3 of the Maui County Kākou Civic Engagement Video series delves into understanding the contents of a Council meeting agenda, the scope of Council actions, the Sunshine Law’s significance, and locating available meeting agendas.

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Maui County | June 2021

Maui County Kākou Part 4: Giving Testimony

Part 4 of the Maui County Kākou Civic Engagement Video series provides guidance on participating in the civic process through written and oral testimony, offering insights and tips for effective preparation and delivery.

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Maui County | June 2021

Maui County Kākou Part 5: Staying Informed & Getting Involved

Part 5 of the Maui County Kākou Civic Engagement Video series emphasizes ways to engage with the local government, offering insights into active participation and staying informed about opportunities to contribute to the community’s decision-making processes.

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National Council for the Social Studies | December 2009

Five Ways to Increase Civic Engagement

Five strategies to promote civic engagement among elementary students, focusing on service-learning projects, extracurricular activities, class discussions and debates, role plays and simulations, and home-school connections.

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