Maui Nui Empowered is a collective of dedicated Maui County residents united by a shared commitment to safe guarding the islands’ local values. Our mission is to preserve Maui County’s rich cultural heritage while driving economic growth that benefits our community. We strive to cultivate a thriving economy that generates job opportunities and affordable housing options for local residents, ensuring a brighter future for generations to come. Our efforts involve endorsing pro-economy candidates, collaborating with government leaders to implement impactful policies, and educating both the community and decision makers on key issues concerning jobs, housing, and the economy.


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Bruce Uʻu
Executive Director

Bruce Uʻu, a proud Native Hawaiian and generational descendant of Maui, has devoted his life to serving his community in various professional and voluntary roles. Together with his wife, Cathy, Bruce has five children and nine moʻopuna, continuing a strong lineage that deeply influences his approach to leadership and community volunteerism.

Bruce’s professional journey began in 1994 when he graduated from the Hawaiʻi Carpenters Apprenticeship Program. With the knowledge and skills acquired, he advanced to become an Apprentice Instructor at the University of Hawaiʻi Maui College (UHMC), fostering the next generation of skilled carpenters in the state. Further recognizing his leadership capabilities, he served as a Field Representative for the Hawaiʻi Regional Council of Carpenters, representing the interests of carpenters at the regional level.

His commitment to the community extends beyond his profession. He has held multiple leadership roles on various boards, including Vice Chair of the Maui Planning Commission, a member of the Cultural Resource Commission, and Chair of both the Maui Liquor Adjudication Board and the Maui Liquor Commission. As Vice President of Na Hale O Maui, he was integral in driving the organization’s mission and strategies forward, “to secure and preserve a permanent supply of affordable housing alternatives for low and moderate income households in Maui County.” Currently, Bruce extends his influence and leadership as a Board Member of the Hawaiian Canoe Club and House Maui, and an inaugural member of Lui’s Hui and the UHMC Chancellor Advisory Board.

Bruce has always been a fierce advocate for housing for our Maui County residents. He has worked tirelessly to ensure that his community members have access to affordable, suitable housing, and his life and work are a testament to his dedication and love for his Hawaiian heritage and his home community. We are thrilled to have Bruce Uʻu lead Maui Nui Empowered, continuing his support of education, culture and community for a thriving economy and housing options that enable all of our residents to continue to call Maui County home.




The board members of Maui Nui Empowered bring a diverse range of expertise and a deep commitment to their community. Led by Bruce Uʻu, a proud Native Hawaiian, they are dedicated to preserving Maui County’s local values. From Sterling Higa’s advocacy for workforce housing and education, to Dave Ward’s extensive experience in real estate development, each member contributes unique perspectives. Dean Frampton’s focus on promoting home ownership and Shane Awai’s dedication to youth development further enrich the board. Leilani Pulmano’s expertise in building balanced communities, Bev Kurokawa’s financial acumen, Cal Chipchase’s expertise in land use law, and Dr. Lui Hokoana’s leadership as the Chancellor of the University of Hawaiʻi Maui College, collectively reflect their shared passion for creating a thriving Maui County community.